About Omega Strip

Behind almost every problem there’s a product or a solution just waiting to happen. OMEGA STRIP is the solution to the nasty tangle of wires and cables needed to run computers, home theaters, video games, phones, charging units, and automobile electronics to name a few.

Whether at home or at the office this is a problem almost everyone has and certainly nobody wants. The marketplace is filled with a flood of clips and gadgets that require tools, leave wires exposed, and are usually destroyed when removed for maintenance.

Fast, easy, and economical to use, OMEGA STRIP hides and guides wires and cables without the need of any tools. A tremendous amount of time and effort was put into finding the exact right shape, production methods, and adhesives to create this easy-to-use and long-lasting solution. Dozens of different adhesive strips were tested to produce a surface that adheres aggressively to the OMEGA STRIP and to just about any other common surface. It also allows for a quick move to place the strip in a better or new location.

At OMEGA STRIP, we look forward to creating more unique products in various colors, shapes, and sizes that will allow you to hide and guide wires and cables quickly, easily, and without the use of tools. Thank you for visiting our website. Keep coming back to see what new products we’ve developed.

Jim McKane
